Friday 11 June 2021

JLPT exam tips

JLPT exam tips

before 1-2 day:

do mock paper

N3-N5: know why you are wrong, no need to check vocabs that you dont understand

N1, N2: 檢討錯的文法單字

for all level listening: listen again for the part that you got the wrong answer, put it in your mp3/phone, listen it for many times 1-2 days before exam

things to bring to exam:

HKID, 準考証, 2B pencil, rubber, small notebook, watch, mask, 面油紙, tissue

pray not to sit at the last row, it will affect your listening (may have echo)

arrive exam hall 30-45min earlier, revise using your small notebook

go toilet 10min before exam

switch off phone alarm and switch off your phone

do not change to flight mode, if examiner discovered it, you are disqualified

for listening: listen 1Q, ans 1Q, do not go back

time control is important

for N1, N2, need to read this:

N1, N2 will be held in pm, so do not eat a big lunch, prefer take a nap

after exam:

relax, keep your 準考証 for checking your mark

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